This will probably be a short post due to technical difficulties with my computer. However, I wrapped up my second week and last week on OB/GYN. I had an amazing time and learned so much from these amazing individuals. They welcomed me with open arms and were open to teaching me everything and more. I am forever grateful. This week was full of more emergency room visits, cesarean sections, removal of fibroids and even ovarian cancers. Just when I was getting comfortable with the team and working with the patients it was time for me to move on to internal medicine. I felt even more confident and competent in my knowledge from home but it's even more special when you had a helping hand in the care. I’ll never forget the patients, residents, specialists, nurses, and midwives I covered while working on the wards and delivery suite. They will forever be engraved in my memory and hearts. I came with a mission to not sit back and let things come to me but to seek new opportunities and to not let anything hold me back.
As I said previously, the financial issues that face the hospital system in Ghana is very challenging and upsetting. Being here has definitely made me realize that you can not go into medicine for yourself. After seeing patients not being able to afford a variety of things that back home we would consider “routine” and just would have done it anyway, made me think about the impact it has had on those who work here every day. I’ve seen residents going to donate blood to help patients without any family, heard stories of them paying for treatment because they never lost sight of who they were coming into work for. I’m amazed and I will continue to praise them for all they have done. Of course, on my last day, I took an obligatory picture with my crew Team C.